DupInOut Duplicate Finder Changelog

Record of changes, new features added and bug-fixes

Version (July 14, 2024)

SHA-256 Checksum: efcde2f9e0c5422f56775602168f1e8a946251cfa86fa00b178b0cfd1a7f7468

New Features:

  • New translations: Chinese (Simplified), Greek, Marathi (India), and Polish
  • New Skins: Periwinkle, Sky Blue-2


  • N/A

Bug Fixes:

  • Log file didn't specify the Task ID during execution of the Fix Duplicates function

Version (March 25, 2024)

SHA-256 Checksum: d48fc1d651fbd4c503346cec4b7b317b4371120e3d27dc2a8fdd6d4a12a67293

New Features:

  • Brown Skin


  • Displays photo previews with adjustable sizes during the Similar Photos scan mode for easier comparison
  • Extended fully-functional free trial period from 30-days to 90-days

Bug Fixes:

  • Incorrect file highlighting with the "Highlight all in this group" option (Example — if a user selects this option to highlight all files from the Group 1, it would incorrectly highlight all files that contained "1" in the Group ID, i.e. Group 1, Group 10, Group 11, and so on.)
  • After using the File Exclusion feature, the "No Action Taken" status was missing in the My Activity dialog
  • A program setting "Don't preview files larger than..." incorrectly blocked manual file previews of non-image files (Example — This setting was meant to block previews of only large images to prevent the application from being unresponsive. However, it incorrectly blocked previews of large music files which wasn't required, as they load only after the user manually plays them).
  • If a user unchecks the "Preview" checkbox while a music file is being previewed, it wouldn't auto-stop the music playback.
  • Date-Time format mismatch in the Offline (License file-based) activation approach

Version (Released on Apr 12, 2023)

SHA-256 Checksum: fe2dbe3743a80c2ba945df4060f6cbcc36f5377842a9728e8360e376e0d0c6ad

New Features:

  • Similar Photos Finder: Find visually-similar photos such as photos that have been- 1) Rotated (up to 180 degrees); 2) Flipped (vertical/ horizontal); 3) Converted from one image format to another.
  • New options in the Mark Duplicates button: 1) Mark photos with higher/ lower resolution in each group; 2) Mark photos with higher/ lower bit depth in each group
  • New skin: Lavender Gray


  • Displays photo-specific information (such as image resolution, bit depth) inside the Duplicates List columns, and the same can be exported to a file
  • Explicitly disposed unmanaged resources (such as web client requests and media player objects) after use to immediately free-up system resources and prevent any possibility of memory leaks
  • Removed obsolete code

Version (Released on Feb 1, 2023)

SHA-256 Checksum: 5F39A13595103016EC2B044105F4B743837043973D3579B5F63A41321B843C32

New Features:

  • New options in the Mark Duplicates button: Mark largest/ smallest files, Mark music with highest/ lowest bit rate, longest/ shortest duration
  • New options in the Find feature: Match case, Match whole word
  • New options in the Selection Assistant button: File Properties
  • Status bar with information about the number of selected duplicate files and their collective size
  • Green skin


  • Folder Compare methods can be fully customized to user preference
  • Extended error logging functionality to the Folder Compare tool
  • Displays music tags information inside the Duplicates List columns and the same can also be exported to a file
  • Uses the host OS date-time format
  • Built-in Offline Activation support (no need to download a separate tool)
  • Removed obsolete code

Bug Fixes:

  • Once the audio file playback reaches its endpoint while previewing a music, audio previewing would stop altogether
  • User interface won't fit on smaller screen resolutions
  • Occasionally incorrect files count information in the Folder Compare task completion dialog and balloon notification
  • Saved sessions not loading on certain systems
  • File Organizer move/ copy error: "Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

Version (Released on Sept 19, 2022)

SHA-256 Checksum: d8894bae58ce0746994a9752b6b2dd64de763482a6cd795dd091397bb69641b2

New Features:

  • Duplicate Music Search: Find duplicate music using various music tags of your choice (album, artist, bitrate, duration, genre, title, track and year).
  • New options in the Selection Assistant button: Mark/ Un-mark/ Highlight/ Move to Safe List files with fuzzy-matching file names
  • Purple color skin


  • Improved Save Session feature supports saving and loading your Folder Compare results (earlier, only Duplicate Files results could be saved & loaded)
  • Small file icons in the Duplicates List and Folder Compare lists
  • File count information in the Folder Compare tabs

Bug Fixes:

  • Selection Assistant button shows a cascading context menu to prevent display issues on screen

Version (Released on June 21, 2022)

SHA-256 Checksum: 9d7e50c3cbe770607fdf8d28cc5fae48d5c7c9bdf34cc001daf6272660a36a33

New Features:

  • Advanced Duplicates Report dialog with a folder-wise information about the number of duplicates found in each scanned folder. This list can also be exported to a .CSV file for future reference.


  • Improved application-level logging to track and record real-time errors, warnings and info about various events with different logging levels (minimal, moderate, above moderate and maximal)

Bug Fixes:

  • The duplicates scan would abort with an error if a file from the scan directory was deleted, moved or renamed by the user or external application/ process prior to the file hashing event
  • The application would crash if the number-only textboxes in the App Settings dialog were left empty or blank before saving the changes
  • A Saved Session with all of it's items moved to the Safe List, would not load on the next application launch
  • Problems connecting to the Activation Server on certain machines

Version (Released on May 16, 2022)

SHA-256 Checksum: c3877c5e354dcaae2f57bc07fedb89ae7908a5c33a8d41e5de675b367c10f75d

New Features:

  • Sky Blue Skin
  • Added "Export to CSV" option to the Duplicates List and Folder Compare Lists
  • Added additional right-click menu options to the Duplicates List to highlight files from the same folder or drive, highlight files with the same file name (with/ without extension), or same extension


  • Save Session feature can now save and load the pie-chart and scan summary as well (previously only Duplicates List was supported)

Bug Fixes:

  • Find Next feature was stopping on an occasional basis due to conflict with the MRU Load event
  • Mark by File Size dialog functions (mark, un-mark and keep safe button functions) were not working when the user specified file size was larger than 1 GB
  • File Size Filters (upper/ lower file size limits) not working previously on subsequent scans.

Version (Released on Mar 17, 2022)

SHA-256 Checksum: 3556ca1384d384584592dccb594e88a71a62411531683dfa6fc6dbf796775cc4

New Features:

  • Added an option to automatically save session and put the computer to sleep mode or shut it down after completion of the duplicate scan
  • Added "Delete left-over empty folders" option in the Move to Folder, Move to Recycle Bin and Delete Permanently functionalities


  • My Activity feature now supports filtering items by their types (all items, successful items, no action taken and failed items)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed text overflow issue affecting the editable combo boxes
  • Fixed blank values in the Action Taken column of the My Activity dialog for items with No Action Taken status (Issue was limited to only a few naming criteria in the Replace with Shortcut functionality)

Version (Released on Jan 27, 2022)

SHA-256 Checksum: fc5d22c0fd6d9786b214d60cc57b2101143c495524453fb0b6ef8a7785d83fed

New Features:

  • Added "Save Session" feature that lets user exit the application without losing the currently accumulated Duplicate Files List
  • Added "Move to Recycle Bin" option
  • Added Taskbar balloon notifications that show up upon completion of tasks

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed application freezes that occurred while transferring a large number of items between Duplicate Files List and Safe List and significantly improved the items transfer speed
  • Fixed: "Cannot create a file when that file already exists" error
  • Fixed File Organizer feature not showing partial task completion dialog (including skipped files count information) upon task cancellation by user

Version (Released on Dec 27, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: 6cb033a1f1c79b78890d3ce04ba1d63469902f1335ba69315e3d97b27552e593

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed My Activity feature which was disabled since version, for causing UI freezes and application crashes
  • Fixed My Activity feature failing to load the items correctly when one or more column texts contained an unsupported character

Version (Released on Dec 4, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: 2bf29bf2f8a86cc57f5d5c280e676367fc80988358f7aac52300a1b1b7858d65

New Features:

  • Added a new tool called "Folder Compare" that compares the Source Folder and Target Folder and displays a list of the same files, changed/ different files and additional files in each folder

Version (Released on Nov 15, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: dbf59067a7cfddb87ce7cb9b661ce1887ae80f01dc35d624b4dfb427909abd4c

New Features:

  • Added backward compatibility for Windows 7 (64-bit/ 32-bit)
  • Added context menus in the File Type Filter and Safe list dialog boxes


  • Rename Files dialog warns if the user enters unsupported file name character(s) to prevent possible errors during renaming task
  • Remembers previous window state (normal/ maximized)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed no focus on the modal dialog and UI unresponsiveness upon clicking the parent window from another application, or through the program's Task icon.
  • Fixed application crashes that occurred when the user performed any other task requiring the Duplicates List to be modified, while simultaneously exporting the same list to a file
  • Fixed trial status being shown while the application performed its initial license checks at startup

Version (Released on Oct 29, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: 3f2991039d2e41f92147e1b902dd628a0b03406c78bfdc4bcd15ac5193772c30

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed major UI freezes and application crashes occurred while fixing a large dataset

Version (Released on Oct 20, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: ba2f9f980595b9bc373b51664f97254312b4e51e5907eeb07c88982cf0f3300b

New Features:

  • Added a Safe List feature to exclude inadvertently scanned important files from the Duplicates List and move those items to the Safe List (and vice versa) using multiple automated patterns. This does NOT actually move any files, only items in the list.
  • Added Ignore Folders List feature in the File Organizer tool to exclude certain folders from being organized
  • Added multiple file naming patterns for creation of Shortcut files (.lnk) in the Replace with Shortcuts dialog
  • Added a Reload Last Search Profile feature that lets you replicate the last duplicate search with One-Click (even if you don’t save the search profile)
  • Added support for MD5 and SHA-256 file hash algorithms
  • Added Clear Resolved Items option that strips out all resolved items from the Duplicates List
  • Dark Skin (Lite Skin coming soon)


  • Faster and optimized Scan Engine. The performance is especially noticeable while scanning an entire partition (such as C:\).
  • Displays real-time potential duplicate files count information during the scan
  • Displays current task’s progress in the application’s Taskbar icon
  • Replaced text boxes with drop-down boxes that display Most Recently Used Folders (MRUs). Folder Browser dialog also loads the last folder location, instead of default Documents folder.
  • Automated updates download & installation for future versions (only after user’s consent)
  • Custom Marking dialogs will no longer close when no results are found
  • Improved the error reporting to record list of failed files during different tasks such as duplicate scan, duplicate files removal/ fixing, files organizer, etc.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed dio_error.log file exceeding maximum stipulated limit
  • Fixed a bug that caused “The process cannot access the file...” error for some previewed images
  • Fixed application’s context menu option in the File Explorer not working when file paths in the arguments had spaces
  • Fixed “Program Files” folder not being excluded by default from the duplicate search
  • Fixed a glitch that loaded a highly distorted & transparent colored error dialog at the application startup when the Skin or Language file data couldn't be loaded
  • Fixed incorrect elapsed time reporting when the duplicate scan takes more than an hour
  • Fixed application freezing while exporting a very large Duplicates List to an HTML file
  • Fixed minor updates made to the Dictionary file not reflecting on to the UI
  • Fixed large file preview setting not taking effect until the application was reopened

Version 1.1 (Released on May 6, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: 9d5273424eed32e3a84709830342fd615c2d124005cd24655687c862b6dc9054

New Features:

  • File Organizer: Re-organize your documents, photos and files with One-Click based on the date of creation, date of modification and file type.


  • Search & Ignore Lists now support removing consecutive items using the Remove button
  • Added cancellation support and folder count information to the directory list building event
  • Added group count information to the Duplicates Search Report
  • Minor UI improvements pertaining to application resolution

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed progress bar and real-time information not updating while fixing duplicate files (rename, move and delete)
  • Fixed error: 'No imaging component suitable to complete this operation was found.'
  • Fixed disproportionate column widths while exporting duplicates to HTML file

Version 1.0 (Released on Apr 8, 2021)

SHA-256 Checksum: 75ba18884dbfe684d9e612b5287895ac46cfa0aa2d467393bade5878f74ed1fa

Initial version released

© Copyright Vikas M. All Rights Reserved.

DupInOut Duplicate Finder is a duly registered copyrighted work in accordance with the provisions of the Indian copyright law and is protected by the copyright law in India and other countries. Any unauthorized use, redistribution of this software and/ or its source code without prior written permission from the owner is strictly prohibited.

Microsoft, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.